our stories, our legacy

Our Anthologies

  • PEITN Trans Anthology - In-Between


    Our first anthology was published in 2023. A collection of stories by and for members of the transgender and gender-diverse community on Epekwitk (Prince Edward Island). Individual poems and short stories are weaved together to tell our stories by us in our own words. In a world pre-occupied with binaries, the stories in this anthology take the reader on a journey of the spaces and places, In-Between.

  • Book cover of "in-bloom" stories from the 2STGNBGD Community on Epekwitk


    This is an anthology by and for the 2S/TGDNB+ folks on Epekwitk, and everyone is invited along for the journey. We have come together for the second year to co-create this tangible reminder that we are here, we are growing, and we are building our futures. In these pages, we share our stories, our artworks, our struggles, and our successes. In Bloom is an exploration of self and community.

free for community

If you are a member of the Two-Spirit, Transgender, Non-Binary and Gender Diverse community, you get our anthologies for free!


  • Charlottetown Library Learning Centre (ask at main desk)

  • Summerside Rotary Library (ask at main desk)

  • Montague Rotary Library (ask at main desk)

  • PEITN Office (use the contact form to arrange for pick-up)

how to purchase

Each Anthology is $20. All proceeds will be returned to PEITN and used for future art projects and mutual aid support.

How To Purchase:

  1. Please email info@peitn.com to inform us of your intent to purchase. Please let us know if you require shipping and the shipping address.

  2. We will send you an invoice for the total amount, including shipping.

  3. Pay the invoice by sending an e-transfer to donations@peitn.com